The post-carbon city

Because they concentrate people and activities, cities are often cited as major factors of climate change. They now wish to become problem-solving, rather than problem-inducing territories.

Mobility funding in a post-carbon world

How can we rethink the mobility financing model? Can this transition be used to change travel behaviors?

Large infrastructure projects and democracy

What are the sources of the opposition to large infrastructure and urban planning projects? How can we devise a more democratic way of designing and implementing these projects?

Affordable housing in growing European metropolises

How can growing European metropolises, faced with scarce, expensive land and rising construction costs, provide enough affordable housing to accommodate the needs of low-income households?

Active and healthy cities

There is a real urgency to rethink the environmental health: today, medicine struggles to face the social and medical challenge posed by the growth of chronic diseases. Many studies have shown that ...

The future of public spaces

De nouvelles formes d’aménagement de l’espace public (éphémères, démontables et réversibles) apparaissent ; elles sont supposées (re-)mettre au centre les usagers et favoriser l’expérimentation.